Charlie Parr Releases “Blues For Whitefish Lake, 1975” Music Video


Directed by Charlie’s friend, Whitefish Productions’ Lance Lindahl, the video takes the viewer on a peaceful, introspective fishing trip on a lake. Rooted in nostalgia, and inspired by both Parr and Lindahl’s relationships with their fathers and children, the video stars Lindahl’s son, Gar, and was filmed by Gar’s mother Lei Shi.

Parr reminisces on the memories that inspired the track: “It was in the mid-seventies, maybe, when I went fishing with my Dad and since the fish weren’t biting we went to the far end of the lake and up a long wooden staircase to a bar that I hadn’t been able to see from the water at all. The bartender knew my Dad and gave me a grape soda and even though I’m sure my memory of it is all wrong like memories tend to be, I long for that little bit of time every now and then.”

On working with Parr to create the video, Lindahl said: “After seeing Charlie and doing the self-reflection thing as many did during the pandemic, I told Charlie that I needed to be a better dad. He told me he needed to do the same … I was very moved by the sacrifice his father made by breaking his back [work-wise], so Charlie didn’t have to. My father had done the same for me by working his ass off, so I could have things he never did … This is something important for me to pass on. Understanding the significance of a father and that they have a very important role to play in their child’s life if they have the privilege of being a constant for them.”