Jorma Kaukonen’s Quarantine Concert #20 will air This Saturday, August 29


The excellence continues! Jorma Kaukonen’s Quarantine Concert #20 will air This Saturday, August 29th at 8 p.m. ET from his Fur Peace Ranch Guitar Camp in Ohio. These concerts are historical in content and modern in execution. With Jorma’s vast experience with improvisation and letting each song have it own impact he draws from his many Jorma Kaukonen or Hot Tuna albums. This is history in the making! Listen this Saturday night to music and the Fur Peace Ranch family rap as Jorma answers fans questions, riffs with his wife and friends and provides as usual the unusual!

The direct link this week is:

In a career that has already spanned a half-century, legendary guitarist and vocalist, Jorma Kaukonen is one of the most highly respected interpreters of American roots music, blues, and Americana, and at the forefront of popular rock-and-roll. A member of the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame and a Grammy recipient, he is a founding member of two legendary bands, Jefferson Airplane and the still-touring Hot Tuna. Jorma Kaukonen’s repertoire goes far beyond his involvement creating psychedelic rock; he is a legend and one of the finest singer-songwriters and master instrumentalist in music today. Jorma tours the world bringing his unique styling to old blues and writing new songs with insight and imagination
It truly is amazing how a great artist can continually perform authentic unfiltered renditions of both his own and time honored traditional songs. Join in for an hour or so, lean back and enjoy the music.
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