Zappa Family Trust Announces Unprecedented Project For Fans By Offering Them Opportunity To Become Official Authorized Distributors of "Roxy By Proxy"


For fans who have ever dreamed of being in the music business or running their own record company—here’s their chance.

The ZAPPA FAMILY TRUST and ZAPPA RECORDS are offering up the unprecedented opportunity for Zappa fans to license their very own copies of ROXY BY PROXY by FRANK ZAPPA with The Mothers of Invention.

For a $1000 licensing fee, fans can own a master duplication copy of ROXY BY PROXY (All Roxy No Elsewhere):  76 minutes of never-before-releasedFrank Zappa master recordings from the Roxy performances of December 9 & 10, 1973 including “Inca Roads,” “Penguin in Bondage,” “T’Mershi Duween,” “Dog/Meat,” “RDNZL,” “Cheepnis & Dupree’s Paradise,” “King Kong,” “Chunga’s Revenge” and more.  They will also be provided with liner notes and packaging artwork so they can duplicate the CDs to sell at any price they choose, with a $1.20 per CD mechanical royalty to be paid back toZappa Records.  The opportunity is valid now through December 28. Gail Zappa adds:  ”And REMEMBER, this is an appeal to raise what we need to deliver The Roxy Performances – The Movie!!!  Thank you. Thank you.  Thank you.”

Interested fans/participants can sell as many copies of the album as they’d like at the retail level, as official licensed distributors for the Zappa Family Trust.  They can also give CDs away as gifts.  All the details can be found here:

Proceeds from this unprecedented opportunity are being used to complete the long-awaited film The Roxy Performances–recorded December 1011 and 12, 1973 in Los Angeles and released in part on 1974’s Roxy & Elsewhere CD–for eventual theatrical release and on DVD.  According to the ZFT, “You are the ones who want it and you are the ones we need to help us make it happen! This is also a big Thank You to all the fans that are ready willing and able to participate in the ultimate adventure of distributing this record.  We are grateful–and we are hopeful that you will show us how to do it better than it has ever been done before.”

Frank Zappa, American composer, fl. 1940 – 1993.