Show Review – Todd Snider, 6/27/12, 20th Century Theater, Cincinnati, OH

Todd Snider

Written by Bill Whiting

Photo by Scott Preston

Todd Snider’s June 27 appearance at the 20th Century Theatre in Cincinnati, Ohio was a good reason to celebrate. Todd’s shows are always a kick ass experience, full of heartfelt jokes with stories about life and the road that often tap into the mixed up confusion buried deep inside the human condition. Early on, Snider started taking requests from the crowd, and he ripped into “Hey Hey” with instrumental precision and funky rhythmic control. The patrons inside the 20th Century were ready to party, and a full bodied chorus from the floor sang back to Snider on the classic, “Doublewide Blues.” Snider connected with his Cincinnati following on two songs from his 2004 release, East Nashville Skyline, the shuffling gem, “Play a Train Song,” and the hilarious “Conservative Christian, Right-Wing Republican, Straight, White, American Males.” Then, there was the amusing story about 1970 Major League pitcher Doc Ellis, throwing while tripping on hallucinogens on “America’s Favorite Pastime.” It’s material that dances with dare and flare, and Snider delivers it well, setting him apart and making his concerts unique, bonding sessions for all with open minds and ears. 2008’s underrated disc, Peace Queer, had Snider digging deep with the jam based composition, “The Ballad of Cape Henry.” Todd improvised brilliantly with story in tow on the winning number, “Alright Guy.” Leaving to a standing ovation, Snider returned to rock out on “Side Show Blues” from his 1996 album, Step Right Up. And to top it all off, Snider grooved away the hot summer night on a pulsating, soulful run through of “Good Lovin’.” It was just what the doctor ordered to cure the blues and heal the spirit, and it left one in anticipation of Mr. Snider’s next visit to the Cincinnati area.

Photo note – above photo is from 10/7/2011