Polly Parsons and the Gram Parsons Foundation Welcome Benchmark Recovery in Support of the VIP Courtyard Launch Event in Austin, TX on March 14, 2012


Gram Parsons Foundation and Benchmark Recovery are pleased to announce their VIP Courtyard event, an intimate, private, ticketed soiree with limited availability due to space constraints. The VIP Courtyard event will be held in the lovely courtyard at the Hotel San Jose on South Congress in Austin. This will be the Foundation’s primary fundraiser after hosting a FREE day party with incredible artists, including but not limited to Brendan Benson, Blitzen Trapper and the legendary Eric Burdon.

The evening event begins at 9:00 PM. After checking in and receiving their program for the evening, guests can participate in the step and repeat before entering the magical space created by Matchbox Marketing & Events. There will be an incredible sushi bar from Kenichi, along with celebrity mixologist the Tipsy Texan, who will be mixing delights with ZICO, Sweet Leaf Tea and Vitamin Water. Entertainment will include Austin’s own David Ramirez, along with Special Guests to be announced.

The evening is hosted by Polly Parsons, the daughter of Gram Parsons, and she will speak about the Foundation, its origins, and its goals for this year. She will also share some personal stories and insight into the world of addiction and recovery and why this mission is so important to her.

Tickets for the event are $125 and can be purchased through Eventbrite:


Benchmark Recovery is partnering with The Gram Parsons Foundation for this event and is proud to be supporting the cause.

Benchmark Recovery Center is a 90-day residential recovery center that was called “cutting edge” on the Dr Phil Show. It was developed by and is staffed by people in long-term recovery who can best support people into long-term recovery from drug and alcohol issues. Their belief is that alcoholism and drug addiction are chronic, progressive diseases, which demand a lifelong set of practices as a way of living in order to experience permanent recovery. Their commitment to residents is that they will provide a set of life skills and spiritual practices which will be incorporated and assimilated into residents’ minds and hearts and which will allow them to recreate and reclaim their lives. As a result, 77% of Benchmark’s graduates are living healthier, happier lives in long-term recovery today.Located in just outside of Austin in the Heart of Texas, Benchmark Recovery Center’s 90-day gender specific recovery program is non-clinical, peer-based and a full immersion into culture of recovery. More than a 12 Step spiritual intensive, Benchmark teaches residents how to live healthier, more holistic lives: body, mind and soul. Residents graduate with their peers into a NARR certified Level 2 Recovery Residence for 3 months where they continue to deepen their social supports and recovery. For up to a year, the Segue program utilizes certified recovery coaches to help graduates strengthen their recovery capital and recovery advocates monitor their progress by staying in weekly contact with their natural support systems. This continuum of recovery-oriented, community-based care results in a strong and active alumni community that supports each other in recovery over a lifetime.


For more information about Benchmark Recovery:


Polly Parsons is the President of the Gram Parsons Foundation, the only child of Gram Parsons – often called the Father of Country Rock and also runs Hickory Wind Ranch, premier homes for sober living in Austin, Texas. She has dedicated her life to serving others and helping support those needing addiction and recovery services.

For more information about The Gram Parsons Foundation:
