Music Saves Lives Announces A New Life Saving Technology

Starting in Miami August 25th MUSIC SAVES LIVES will be reaching out with a new QR technology initiative that will allow web enabled smart phones to scan and be given information about how to register for the national bone marrow program to save those with leukemia and other blood disorders that need marrow transplants.  Music Saves Lives has partnered with DKMS Americas to facilitate the best on-line registration process.   The QR scan code will be placed in many locations at the Identity Festival.  Well-known artist Mike Oncley has designed a limited edition T-shirt with the QR code that will be available only on the last 9 dates of the tour.   Music Saves Lives has a goal to register 10,000 over the 9 tour dates, a reasonable goal based on the number of expected attendees.
To help in covering costs for the festival run 4 pair of VIP packages were designed to auction off by Vans Warped Tour and Unite the United founder Kevin Lyman.
Information about Unite The United and the VIP packages can be found at:

Music Saves Lives has focused its main efforts on blood donation and marrow registration, reaching out by sharing facts and educating at music tours nationwide.   MSL began in 2006 and has reach out to more than 2 million youth blood donors and registered over 15,000 for the marrow program saving 12 people with leukemia.
To find out more check out:
Information about the Identity Festival Presented by Skullcandy go to:
Information about DKMS Americas can be found at: