Joe Bonamassa expands goal for “Fueling Musicians” COVID-19 relief program


Last week, Joe Bonamassa and his 501(c)3 non-profit, Keeping the Blues Alive Foundation, launched their Fueling Musicians Program and have been overwhelmed by the response from fans, music lovers, and corporations who have come together to support a cause that helps people who bring music to our world. We have already received contributions from companies such as Gibson, Norman’s Rare Guitars, Reverb, Caveman Productions, Ernie Ball, Peter Frampton, and Chicago Music Exchange, among others, who have come together to give their support both financially and through in-kind contributions.

Joe Bonamassa is more energized than ever and eager to help as many musicians as possible, not only by personally and financially committing to this program, but by reaching out to industry partners, fellow musicians, and fans to join him in contributing and reaching his new goal of $250,000. “The more money raised, the more musicians that will receive funding to help them get through these challenging times and ultimately back onto the road when the time is right,” Bonamassa says.

KTBA continued its efforts to support this program through the Global Day of Giving Now, yesterday, Tuesday, May 5th, and is counting on continued support from donations to fuel the program. For his birthday May 8, Joe will have a week-long fundraiser (between May 6-13) on Facebook to help raise additional funds. Currently, in development, he will also host a special stream-a-thon event which will feature exclusive performances and is slated to take place sometime in May.

Fueling Musicians provides financial support to qualifying touring musicians whose careers have been put on hold as a result of the COVID-19 effect on the music industry. The emergency relief program is designed to support musicians by providing immediate cash payments for essential living expenses of $1,000, as well as pre-paid gas cards of $500 to help them stay afloat and get back on the road again when it is safe.

Bonamassa’s desire to create this program came to him while under stay-at-home orders. Joe kept thinking of his past struggles as a touring musician trying to make it on his own, and how much more difficult the current situation is for artists whose futures are now uncertain. “Right now, the music industry has been brought to its knees,” explains Joe Bonamassa. He recognizes that to truly support these artists, necessary funding will be crucial to maintain their livelihoods during the crisis, as well as helping them get back on the road when live music events are permitted. Wanting to give back and pay it forward as so many did for him, Joe brought the Fueling Musicians Program to fruition.

Individuals or organizations interested in helping Joe support this program should go the Keeping the Blues Alive website, or

Artists who would like to be considered for financial aid can fill out an application via

See Joe’s personal message about Fueling Musicians: