Jazz Legend Ramsey Lewis Announces Live Stream Concert April 25


Three time Grammy® winner and NEA Jazz Master Ramsey Lewis will be performing a special live stream concert Saturday April 25th @ 1pm CST! Tickets can be purchased by sending $20 to paypal.me/RamseyELewisJr. Just click on the link and type in the amount ($20). Since it’s PayPal it’s easy and secure. Once we have received your payment we will send you a Zoom link and password to the live stream concert (you will need the Zoom app and a PayPal account).

A portion of the proceeds from this event will be donated to MusiCares® COVID-19 Relief Fund. The Recording Academy® and its affiliated charitable foundation MusiCares® have established the COVID-19 Relief Fund to help those in the music community affected by the Coronavirus pandemic.This will be an extra special event considering that Ramsey is no longer touring. This event will be a look behind the curtain, as it will be live from Ramsey’s home in the room that he practices in and he will be telling the stories behind the hit songs he has made for the past six decades.

Ramsey Lewis Announces Live Stream Concert Event April 25: