Jim James to Perform for New Hampshire Obama Campaign


Jim James, lead singer/songwriter for popular band My Morning Jacket will be joined by the band’s guitarist & multi-instrumentalist Carl Broemel in a visit to Keene, New Hampshire for a rare solo performance on behalf of the Obama campaign on Monday, October 1st, 2012.  The concert will take place at the Colonial Theater, with doors opening at 7:00pm.  Opening for Jim James and Carl Broemel will be Craig Finn of The Hold Steady.  The concert will help raise awareness about what’s at stake this election for young Americans.

President Obama has a clear plan to create jobs, and continue to move us forward – and he’s already made it easier for young adults to afford health care, doubled funding for Pell Grants, ended the discriminatory Don’t Ask Don’t Tell policy and advanced pay equity for women. In a sharp contrast, Mitt Romney’s policies will give tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires and return us to the failed policies of the past, while turning the clock backwards for women and telling students that when it comes to college costs, “they’re on their own.”

On his support for the President’s reelection campaign, Jim James says, “It is so crucial for us all to work together to help build on and continue the progress we have been making under President Obama’s leadership – to get America to be a land that takes care of its own and provides equal opportunity to all – regardless of gender, race, or creed. I believe in President Obama’s vision for America – at home and as a better friend to the world – and want to help raise awareness of the importance of a person’s right to vote.”

The complimentary concert is part of the campaign’s “For All” initiative, whose mission is to engage and maximize participation from young Americans. “For All” illustrates the shared values of the President and young Americans across the country: that if we work together, we can continue to move this country forward.

The collective voices of young people drive this campaign through student to student, peer to peer and neighbor to neighbor outreach, organization and communication about the issues they care about.  From expanding access to affordable, quality health care, to ensuring more students can attend college, to standing up for our country’s servicemen and women, to advancing equal rights, President Obama has proven time and again that he is committed to issues important to young Americans.

What: New Hampshire for Obama Concert with My Morning Jacket’s Jim James and opening act The Hold Steady’s Craig Finn
When: Monday, October 1st. Doors open at 7:00 pm.
Where: Colonial Theater, 95 Main Street, Keene, NH

Those wishing to attend the concert should go to one of the following ticket distribution locations. The concert is free and open to the public but tickets are required for entry and are distributed on a first come first serve basis. Tickets do not guarantee entry.

TICKET DISTRIBUTION LOCATIONS:Thursday 9/27 through Monday 10/1
12pm to 8pm Daily:

– Keene OFA Office: 294 West Street #3, Keene, NH 03431
– Young Student Center Atrium, Keene State College: 229 Main Street, Keene, NH 03435
– The Colonial Theater: 95 Main Street, Keene, NH 03431
– Peterborough OFA Office: 76 Grove Street, Peterborough, NH 03458
– Manchester OFA Office: 1st Floor: 228 Maple Street, Manchester, NH 03103
– Lebanon OFA Office: 85 Mechanic Street, Lebanon, NH 03784

Thursday 9/27 through Saturday 9/29
12pm to 8pm Daily:

– Boston OFA Office: 77 Summer Street, 10th Floor, Boston, MA 02110