Fruition Release New Digital Two-Track Single Benefitting Color Of Change


On the heels of their critically acclaimed pair of 2019-2020 releases, Portland-based roots rockers Fruition have just released another two-pack of their signature sound; a two-track single featuring “For You,” a fan favorite from Broken at the Break of Day, and a brand new song, “Stand With You,” a direct message to those continuously on the front lines of the fight for racial equality in the United States. To help further the cause, a portion of the proceeds from the streams and sales of “Stand With You” will be donated to Color Of Change, the nation’s largest online social justice organization. “I believe that the most powerful things we humans can do in our lives are not things that benefit us personally, but things that help many,” says Fruition guitarist and “Stand With You” songwriter, Jay Cobb Anderson. “The power of giving is unmatched by anything I can think of. And the most valuable gift one can give is themselves. Their time and energy. Their commitment to help, learn, and change. And to truly change oneself for the better is what we must do to change the world for the better. Just like all journeys begin with one step, all changes begin with one action.” Fans can listen to “Stand With You” and “For You” now at this link.

With a slinky 6/8 time signature groove and a bottleneck slide guitar that wouldn’t be out of place on an Allman Brothers album, Fruition—Anderson on guitar, piano, and vocals; Kellen Asebroek on Mellotron and vocals; Mimi Naja on vocals and mandolin; Jeff Leonard on bass; and Tyler Thompson on drums—ease into the first, Naja-led verse of “Stand With You”—the entirety of which was recorded remotely from five different cities in four different states, though one would never notice. The band tightens everything up and a pulsing piano and pizzicato strings make the bed for Anderson’s earnest lyrics; “I hear your cries, and I’ll be there by your side, my friend.” By the time the verse loosens back into it’s swinging feel, the band completes their promise of support and allyship; “Though I will never understand the struggles that you’ve been through, I will do all I can and I’m gonna stand with you.”

“In a world filled with information/misinformation that seems all too divisive, I hope that this song inspires those who hear it to try to sympathize with another’s struggle, and to take a step in the direction of change for compassion, justice, and unity,” says Jay Cobb Anderson. “That’s not only what this song is about, but what this life is all about, in my humble opinion. We hope you enjoy ‘Stand With You.’”